Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Account Origination Overview

Account Origination uses a variety of System Management configurations that define how the system handles account applications. The following configurations are tied to sub-products, and/or account products, which determine the decision process, settings, and defaults:

 The aforementioned configurations can be grouped into three tiers as illustrated in the flow chart below:

Sub-Product Configurations

Level One Configurations are of paramount importance. The proper configuration of these items determine the efficiency of the application process. Failure to configure these items results in an inability to successfully submit an application for a sub-product.

When completing level one configurations, it is recommended that the configurations are completed in the following order:

Level Two Configurations increase the efficiency of the application process. Without these configurations, it is possible to submit an application; however, they ensure applications are processed proficiently by identifying time-saving defaults, limitations and ensuring only relevant choices populate in lookup fields.

With the exception of Credit and Debit Report configurations, there is no order in which the level two configurations must be completed.

Level Three Configurations are the nice to have items. Failure to configure these items does not adversely impact application processing. These configurations contribute to user productivity by identifying time-saving defaults and increasing institution efficiency.

Once all level one, two, and three configurations are made, the preferred configurations are identified in specific areas within sub-products. Additional information on the configurations, can be found in the Account Application Types - Sub-Products topic.



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